Our experienced plumbing team offer a variety of water services, from boosted mains water systems to integrated hot and cold water services. Each Callisia system is a one-of-a-kind solution, catering to the specific needs of your building and users. From a complete new system of pipework and utilities integration for a refurbished building, to basic drinking and sanitary water, and appliance installation, we provide a cost-effective and technologically advanced solution that guarantees many years of reliable service.
Market Leading Skills
Our plumbing and water services engineers form part of a varied and multi-skilled mechanical engineering team, with extensive experience in heating, ventilation and air conditioning, as well as water systems. This strong base gives us the flexibility to integrate water systems into a variety of projects, and we are happy to work alongside other contractors and third parties on multidisciplinary projects.
Industry-Leading Components
Our bywords for water system design are efficiency, reliability, and safety. Each system is designed to be leak free, and to work safely and effectively with minimal maintenance. As such, components, ducting and pipework are fabricated from the best materials, including galvanised steel, copper, dual composites and MDPE.
We are not tied to one manufacturer or supplier, so can choose the best components for your project, to keep costs down and deliver the performance standards you require.
Next Steps
We offer a comprehensive water and plumbing service to meet all your requirements, ranging from design to installation and beyond, including post-contract support